Identify and Describe Discrete and Continuous Data, and Choosing Appropriately Between a Bar Chart and a Histogram for Representation

Discrete data is organised in separate categories and is often presented in a bar chart. 

Examples of types of discrete data include => eye colour, hair colour, number of people in a shop, favourite chocolate bar. These values are distinct.

Example 1 => Hair colour is dicrete data. True or false?
This is true. Hair colour is a type of discrete data because the values are distinct. You either have one hair colour or another!

Continuous data covers a range, so each category is not separate but runs into the next. We represent this data in a histogram. A histogram is like a bar chart, but the bars meet.

Examples of types of continuous data include => weight of a baby over time; height of a sunflower over time; temperature through August; distance travelled by a car over time.

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